Kundalini Tantra and Mantras

The greatest dream of the spiritually inclined person is to become a Godlike Entity. The only way to make this dream come true is through spiritual upliftment, to raise the level of the consciousness to higher and higher levels and ultimately reach and be one with that what Adi Shankara called the Golden Womb of Silence.

Kundalini Tantra has always been one of the most preferred paths to raise the inner consciousness to higher and higher levels.

Since ancient times Indian Sages and Yogic have emphasized that certain Hindu Mantra, vibrating to specific frequencies have aided aspirants on the path of Kundalini awakening to elevate their consciousness to higher levels.

Over the past many years, I have discovered certain unique Kundalini Mantras, which, I feel could aid aspirants of the Kundalini Tantra to reach their destination. In this section, I have put together some of these unique Mantras

For more information on the science of Kundalini Yoga, please read these - Articles on Kundalini Yoga and Meditation. and those here.

Root Mantras for Seven Chakras
Powerful Shakti Mantra for the Muladhara Chakra
Mantra to open Anahata Chakra
Kali Mantra Sadhana to open the Crown Chakra
Mantra to raise the Kundalini
Mantra for those who have awakened Kundalini
Hindu Mantra for Kundalini Rising - 2
Shakti Mantra to Raise Kundalini Shakti - 3
Mantra to subdue the Senses
Kundalini Beej Mantras and Healing
Shiva Kundalini Rising Meditation Mantra
How to find God - 2
Tilak and Kundalini Awakening
Ram Mantra for Opening Manipura Chakra
Shakti Mantra to Meditate upon Oneness
Real Meaning of Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo Mantra
Shiva Trinetra Mantra to Open Third Eye
Easiest Meditation to Free and Heal the Mind
Tips to Effortlessly Open The Third Eye
Maha Shivratri and Kundalini Awakening
Kundalini Awakening By 3 Drops of Hormones
Hum Mantra for Arousing Kundalini Shakri
Om and the Sounds in Kundalini Awakening
Mantra to Meditate on Source of Creation
Highest Form of Kundalini Meditation
Yantra for Liberation from Life and Death
Simple But Effective Methods of Kundalini Awakening
Shava Sadhana in Kundalini Awakening
Simplest technique of Kundalini Meditation
Interesting Descriptions of Om Mantra
Likely Experiences of Kundalini Awakening
Beej Mantra to Calm Down Vishuddha Chakra
Importance of Full or New Moon and Eclipses in Spirituality
Parkaya Pravesh to Enter the Bodies of Other People
Mantra Remedy to Break Free from any Relationship


  1. Neel,

    You do great work. Need your feedback on using gems to help my

    debilitated Jupiter(via my Vedic astrologer) I cannot afford the 3+ ct

    sapphire, and the Yellow topaz and yellow citrine do not agree with me.

    What do you suggest because of the malefic influences of Shani, Rahu,

    and Ketu. Also, I have mars, and rahu in my ascendant, saggitarius.

    All of this from my natal chart. Over the years I have had no serious problems

    except with my eyes(now, at 78). Yet I remain healthy and high level

    long distance cyclist. Otherwise, I do have a serious spiritual sadhana.

    Do I even need the stones? I am doing the Hanuman Mantra/PaaP graha

    to pacify Shani, rahu, ketu....it helps. Thanks to your site

    Shri Das,

    Stan Tarsa, USA

    1. If you are regularly practicing a Hanuman Mantra, then there is no need to practice any other remedies, including those related to Gem Stones and astrology.
      Have complete faith in the Hanuman Mantra you practice and the Mantra will do what is best for you.

  2. Please tell me how to invoke secound identity of a man....hamzad....
    Complete knowledge is required.

  3. some of us are simple people who are afflicted with problems arising out of imbalanced chakras. Can we know the healing process if swadhisthana chakra is imbalanced . How to correct it ?

  4. Great post, Which you have shared here. This information very important for every person those really interesting in. Opt for the patanjali's yoga sutras poses and niyamas


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